10444 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92124




L.L.L.T (Low Level Laser Therapy)is the application of red and near infra-red light over injuries or lesions to improve wound and soft tissue healing, reduce inflammation and give relief for both acute and chronic pain. The amazing benefits of L.L.L.T. give users a safer treatment option that effectively targets problem areas for noticeable pain management.

Unlike drugs or therapeutic surgery, L.L.L.T. is completely painless with no downtime or adverse side effects. The device’s cold lasers — which use extremely low levels of light to promote natural body healing — don’t burn or scar the skin like traditional lasers, and most users don’t feel any discomfort at all when the treatment is administered. Patients remain awake through the whole session while comfortably sitting or lying on a table, which allows them to enjoy the rest of their day without interruption.